Vi är väldigt stolta och glada att få Jambo Truong, en av Ana Forrests guardians till studion i Landvetter i Augusti för en tredagars magisk anatomiutbildning. Den lämpar sig för dig som är yogalärare och också för dig som är intresserad av att lära dig mer om din kropp inom yogan. Utbildningen är på engelska.
NÄR: 24-26 augusti (10:00-18:00)
VAR: YogaByLink, Landvetter
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3 Day Experiential Anatomy with Jambo Truong
This Immersion highlights the key structural muscles that every yoga teacher needs to know about. These structural muscles have many incredible functions and when they are dysfunctional, they can cause pain, limit mobility and strength development. By studying their unique personalities, practitioners will be able to confidently know where to start when working with limited mobility caused by injuries and pain.
Each day will set a meditative intent followed by a yoga practice that is designed to enable practitioners to feel their own anatomy. By receiving specific cues, practitioners familiarise themselves with functional movement patterns that open up poses in a way that is designed to inform your system of practice, no matter what style of yoga or bodywork you practise.
Afternoons are combined with short lectures on sub systems of movement patterns and a lot practical work. It is designed to be experiential because this method is more memorable.
You will learn:
* stories about these movement sub-systems,
* how to access muscles in your own body as well as many other body types to familiarise yourself with the uniqueness of each individual
* how to test movement patterns by learning a range of muscle tests that will help you further understand how these muscles go into strength.
Expect a combination of hands on assists and bodywork to gift you the tools to implement these therapeutic techniques into your chosen modality.
About Jambo:
Jambo is a multi-disciplinary practitioner with a degree in Complementary Medicine and post-graduate education in East Asian Medicine & Ayurveda. He is one of the few chosen Guardians, personally invited by Ana Forrest to hold the legacy of Forrest Yoga. He is a neuro-muscular Bodyworker and has created his own system of understanding muscle testing. He has co-created an internationally high in demand 10 Day Yoga Bodyworkers program that also brings in the concepts of fascia and tensegrity.
Jambo has been involved in research around Well-Being & Complexities Studies with University Northumbria, Newcastle Upon Tyne & Cape Town. In between travelling and teaching internationally, he can often be found reading the latest research relating to yoga and movement.
He has spent the past 16 years specialising in addiction, trauma and chronic pain.